Todd Mozingo

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We live in a society and culture that is not only getting comfortable with lies but is now telling Christians that they need to accept those lies. And too often, the Christian's response is either tolerance, agreement, or deciding that Jesus would just be kind and not respond with truth. But when we look in scripture, we find a different Jesus. We find a Jesus who told the truth; always. This loving Savior knew how to speak the truth in love and we need to learn to do the same, because love never lies.

The Old Testament is filled with stories that seem amazing on their own, but they also leave questions. If they are history, and not a part of the New Covenant that we have with Christ today, then why do we need these stories at all? What are they there for? Could it be that those stories were recorded and saved for us because there is something they can teach us? Could it be that those stories actually help us understand God and the New Covenant He has with us? Could it be that somehow those stories guide, teach and help us understand what God has for us as New Covenant believers? And finally, could there be hidden mysteries in these stories that actually give us revelation for today?

Marriage can be one of the most difficult relationships in life! We approach it initially with excitement and great hope for the future. Then life happens and the struggles begin. But if Christ is the bridegroom of His church, then how was this thing called marriage supposed to work? Did God set up a relationship called marriage that can actually be a long lasting, loving relationship? In Get It Together we go straight to the Bible. We look directly and in depth at God's design of a marriage to see if we can understand how it is supposed to work. Maybe, just maybe the world has been teaching us a marriage plan that is destined to fail, but God has a plan that leads to a joy filled, amazing relationship with our spouse.

The world wants to remove Him, the enemy wants to distort Him, believers want to exalt Him, and the unbeliever wants to ignore Him. But God is right, reasonable and justified as the creator, the almighty, the powerful father who loves you as and individual deeply and completely. He is God.

Who is Jesus?
Just how human was He?

There are so many questions about Jesus' humanity versus His divinity. In Jesus Vindication we take a look at Jesus, the divine and the human.

Why has the church decided that Holy Spirit is too complicated for people to understand? When something is right, reasonable, and justified, we will fight for it. Isn't the Holy Spirit a right, reasonable, and justified Presence? It's time for the church to fight for the presence of the Holy Spirit. It's time to vindicate the Holy Spirit.

We all know that God wants us to be calm, warm, wonderful, loving people who act Christ-like in every situation. How's that working for you?

We all struggle to be patient, faithful, and exercise self-control. As a matter of fact, God gives a list of nine things we are supposed to walk out and it's never easy.

But here's the problem, we can't do it. Why? Because it's not your fruit. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Understanding how the Spirit works will bring you a great peace and a satisfaction in your walk to be a Christ-like believer. So, if you are looking for help with the fruits of the Spirit, look no further than the Holy Spirit.

Maybe I need to look at that scripture again.

What if in our attempt to get something from scripture, we are missing the point of that scripture? What if, in our desire to do better and walk our Christianity more closely in line with scripture, we are missing what the scripture is actually trying to teach us? What if, in our zeal to get practical daily tips, we are missing Kingdom revelations? Flip the Script takes a fresh look at what the scriptures are meant to teach us about the Kingdom of God so that application comes from spiritual understanding instead of behavior modifications.

We are all missing pieces of the big picture of the Bible and the Kingdom of God. We have accepted some things, but when asked we really cannot explain them because we just accept them as information without understanding. But when someone puts a missing piece in place, the greater picture becomes easier to see and understand. The bible calls this revelation. Scriptural revelation is when we begin to see the things “hidden for us,” that we thought were “hidden from us.” And as this revelation grows, we get a greater and greater understanding of this mass amount of information that the bible holds for us.

Contained in this book are some of the major missing pieces that have been revealed to me. I hope that as you read, these missing pieces will help you on your journey to a greater revelation of what God has for you!

What if I took 50 men and women and we went out to the city and we began praying over people and handing out sandwiches and handing out tee shirts that said, “Can't we all get along?” Will we accomplish as much doing that than if we decided to go out and pray over our city and pray that the spiritual forces that are binding people would be removed from this area, so that the Spirit of God would be free to flow? Then we would be the front line. We're going to clear the way for the Holy Spirit to come in and do what the Holy Spirit wants. And so, we are going to accomplish more because we've assessed the battle and listened to the Holy Spirit for His plan.

This book highlights that plan from the Word of God and equips each follower of Jesus for the spiritual battle raging around us. That battle is happening whether we want it to or not. The question is whether we will answer the call of God and engage through His power to defeat His enemies and ours.

The enemy wants to hide lies in our belief system to keep us from all that God has for us. This book helps expose some of the common lies so that we can remove them.

About the Author

Todd Mozingo, Senior Pastor, apostolic teacher, husband, father and grandfather.

Raised in ultra conservative church atmosphere to later being baptized in the Spirit, Todd has transitioned from one side of Christianity to the other. But the direction God gave him was to bring the two back together. The word of God and the Spirit of God must be united in the body of Christ.

In 2000, the Holy Spirit spoke to Todd and said he would leave the secular world of manufacturing management and enter the King’s service. His wife had cancer and would pass on to her eternity only months after he received this word. But when the call came, he entered the King’s service and got his Seminary degree. Progressing from one conservative, traditional church to another in every increasing responsibility, he was eventually the Senior Pastor of a growing conservative church. On a trip to Bogota Columbia to understand the revival happening there, the Holy Spirit radically baptized Todd with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Rejected by his congregation, Todd started proclaiming the message of putting the word of God and the Spirit of God back together with the birth of Revive Church in Stuart, FL. Through the challenges of combining the charismatic and the conservative groups, Revive Church has become a place where Bible-based miracles, scriptural healing, word centered deliverance and salvations through the gospel of the Kingdom of God are a normal part of their church services.