Massey Campos

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Massey Campos is a first-generation American, and a 3rd generation preacher. Both his parents were born and raised in Mexico and immigrated to America as young adults in order to pursue the American dream. Massey, along with his two brothers and one sister, grew up traveling as a family, as their father was an evangelist.

While still in his teens, Massey began preaching to congregations the unsearchable riches found in Christ. Then in 2001, he began speaking to audiences around the country in high schools, colleges, churches, and much more. Then in 2014 Massey became Vice President and speaker for The Institute on the Constitution for 2 years before founding Self-Evident. 

Massey’s constant desire and passion is to see Americans, both young and old alike, understand the Biblical heritage of this great nation and bring America back to the God who gave us this liberty.

Massey is a co-Founder of Self-Evident Ministry, also formerly served as the Assistant Pastor at Revive Church in Stuart, FL and is now serving as the head of men's ministry. He is the father of three awesome boys, husband to his beautiful wife, Cari, who assists with his appearances. Massey and his family currently reside in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.

We wanted this book to equip you, the saints. We pray that we will give you the insight and courage to step out of the shadows and become a church body that does not bow to evil nor silently submit to the world's commands.

The church has laid silent for way too long, and we're reaping the consequences of our fearful scurrying behind four walls. Whether it was the Johnson Amendment, the humanist/secularist movement, or even the liberalization of our doesn't matter. Souls are at stake.

And despite what we may believe, many of those souls rely on the church continuing to have a powerful impact on the cultural conversation.

How can the church provide the path of light if we refrain from ever pointing out to our neighbors that it's dark out?