That you may contribute a verse... Walt Whitman

Everyone has a verse...a story...or many stories...

What we need is an audience for our stories. Certainly, our close friends may love our stories or at least listen patiently to our stories.  What many people lack is the imagination that they could publish their stories for a greater audience.  They may not know how to make that happen.  They may believe that it is expensive. They may believe that publishing only means printed books.  

Think of all your favorite stories whether in books or in movies. They all started in someone's imagination.  The cool part is that everyone has one of those. Children often have very vivid imaginations but as we age too often our imaginations are buried under wave after wave of responsibilities and discouragements. 


Come, my friends,

'T is not too late to seek a newer world.

Push off, and sitting well in order smite

The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die.

- "Ulysses", Alfred Lord Tennyson

Lord Tennyson had a way with words. Don't you think?  Did your mind find yourself on board, sailing into the sunset?  
Paperback books, hardback books, digital books, audio books...Fiction, non-fiction, biography, children's books...Oh my. So many options for today's writers.  The hurdles preventing you from publishing your words to the world have never been lower.  What is your dream?  Do you want to mystify? Do you want to teach? Do you want to inspire or entertain?  Do you want to share your life journey? 


My wife tells me that I have more opinions than anyone is entitled to.  Does that sound like you?  Have others said that or thought that about you?  Writing a book may take too long and your opinions need to escape your mind and get out into the world. Blogging may be the right thing for you.  No special time or place is required for this.  Whenever thoughts spin around in your mind seeking release, you may simply jot them down and post them.  This is rather like social media but you manage the content not some stranger who tells you that your thoughts are not up to their standards.  Instead you can develop your own following around any subject you want.  A blog is your playground, your yard, your domain. 

You may have a special skill or technique or talent  that you can share with others, like cooking, building, crafting, painting, investing. You may become an influencer and earn money from your blog.


Perhaps you would rather talk than write.  You are not alone. Talking can come so much easier than writing. Like the perfect dance partners, some people prefer listening or watching over reading.  This creates a balanced symbiosis.  You have many words and ideas to share and there are so many people busy in their lives that prefer to listen while they do other things.  

Podcasting may be the right thing for you.  Similar to blogging you can talk about anything you want. You can teach, entertain, complain, share shopping ideas, talk politics, cars, boats, travel and you can earn money doing that.  


For over 25 years, websites have grown into the "front door" of businesses, brands,  churches, schools, and communities.  Websites make individuals and organizations available to global customers, visitors, and interests.  Websites answer questions that formerly required a phone call.  Websites lower barriers to finding what we want in a world full of opportunities.   An organization without a website is limited to a small group of people by word of mouth alone.  

We have come a long way from single page sites with a couple of pictures and an address. Today websites have tremendous abilities as schools and training centers, portfolios for artists and investors, online shopping, menus for restaurants, communication centers for groups and organizations and news outlets. Additionally, websites are for promoting authors, artists, educators, musicians, chefs, Bible teachers and music teachers, diet and exercise coaches, performance coaches, political campaigns, and your own ideas.